Wednesday, 1 April 2009


....I wish my eyes had a camera in them, and there was a button on the side of my head(to take da pics) and a usb port on my shin to upload the pics on my computers!!!

Other than tennis, i wish i had a proper intrest. Everything seems DUD these days.
Maybe its just me, but i doubt it.


I refuse to watch Eastenders dis year, SIMPLY BECAUSE, when da hell is Danielle gonna tell Ronnie shes is her bloody daugther - Dragged tooooo far!

Some of these grime artists dont wonna grime anymore. I cant wait for "catch me if you can", Microphone champ" and "Race against time", if these let me down i give up on grime FULL STOP.

I've been ebaying aswell and one stchuped buyer decided he was going to do nonsence.
Its all a par!

TV is fairly DUD too, the best thing on TV at the moment are these guys:

(The inbetweeners)

&& Do i really want to go uni? I'll definately get da grades but..... I dunno!


Bern said...

hehe yes it dragged out toooo long but now it's all out and it was a sad ending........


Joshu-ahh! said...

E4 on thursday at 10pm ;)

Anonymous said...

'Do i really want to go uni? I'll definately get da grades but..... I dunno!'
